Environmental monitoring map
populated area
Pumping station
air measurement point
Biodiversity area
Biological cleaner
Chemical cleaner
Surface water sampling point
Soil monitoring area
waste water (waste water)
Groundwater sampling well
Ichthyofauna monitoring point
RMG Gold | RMG Copper
RMG Auramine
The monitoring reports are prepared by the Environmental Protection Department of Aremji and include the results of the monitoring carried out by the laboratory-instrumental method, on the components of the environment – atmospheric air, water and soil.
Monitoring measures are carried out in accordance with the environmental monitoring (self-monitoring) plans agreed with the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, developed by RMG Copper JSC and RMG Gold LLC.
Monitoring methods and tools used
Taking into account the sources of impact, periodic research of water samples from stopped points on surface and underground (ground) waters is carried out by the environmental laboratory of the company, as well as, if necessary, in an independent (accredited) laboratory – using the laboratory-instrumental method.
Water sample research in the environmental laboratory of the company is carried out on stationary equipment that has passed the appropriate calibration certification. In the laboratory, the analytical sample is prepared and prepared for chemical analysis and laboratory research on the content of copper, iron, zinc, manganese and sulfate ions. The analysis is carried out by the spectrophotometry method, with a HACH spectrophotometer. Standard methods are protected by EPA standards (USEPA) with the following programs: Copper – Copper Bicinconinate Method, Method 8506 and Method 8026 (0.04 to 5.00 mg/l); Iron – FerroVer Method 8008 (0.02 to 3.00 mg/l); Zinc – Zincon Method 8009 (0.01 to 2.00 mg/l); Sulfation – SulfatVer 4 Method 8009 (2.0 to 70.0 mg/l);
atmospheric air
Taking into account local receptors and sources of impact, monitoring at specially selected points includes the limitation of dust, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and combustion products (CO, NOx), maximum single concentrations (mg/m3) and noise level (decibel) in the ambient air using an instrumental method.
Dust measurement is carried out with a portable device that provides accurate real-time measurement of dust particles, based on the principle of beam scattering, and determines the concentration of dust in the atmosphere. At the monitoring point, the measurement is performed three times, in 15-20 minute intervals, and the average data is determined. The measurement of dust concentration is carried out with the CASELLA CEL-712 portable device, which provides accurate real-time measurement of dust particles by the principle of beam scattering and determines the maximum one-time concentration of dust in the atmosphere, while the noise level meter TESTO 816 is used to determine the noise level. Hydrocyanic acid and combustion products concentration is measured by Drager -X-am5600 and INDUSTRIAL SCIENTIFIC RADIUS BZI, VENTIS Pro Series portable detectors.
In order to assess the possible impact of production processes and to observe the quality of the soil, soil monitoring is carried out in the impact zone of the RMG Gold LLC’s Sakdrisi bulk extraction area in the areas selected for this purpose. Soil sampling is done within the borders of the enterprise and in its vicinity on land areas of uniform category, in order to determine the acid-alkaline (PH) balance, cyanide and heavy metals.
Samples for laboratory research are taken by the envelope method: in agricultural plots, on non-agricultural land areas (road perimeters, area ditches, sparse areas) and forest groves. In the form of point (sub-samples), the organic layer is separated from the research mass taken at a depth of about 10-15 cm from the soil surface, it is packaged and labeled, and 1 kg is sent to an independent, accredited laboratory for research. by volume, in order to determine the contents of heavy metals (copper, zinc, iron, cadmium, manganese, lead) and cyanide in the sample.
In addition, primary PH data is systematically measured in the soil layer in the field conditions in the same areas through the BLUELAB Soil PH meter.
The field data of the results of the monitoring of the environmental components described above are recorded in the acts, and the data recording, analysis and processing of statistical information are carried out in the relevant electronic modules (tables). The monthly reports of the implemented monitoring are presented below.